오픽독학 2단계 / 오픽 필러 / 자연스러운 영어

2021. 9. 8. 11:29글로벌 인재/영어 한발짝

필러는 빨리 말하기


* 대표적인 필러

You know

I mean


Yeah (결론에 1-2번만)

What am I trying to say



What else 또 뭐가 있을까

I see

I guess (마지막쯤 1번)

Alright 오케이고급


* 필러 콤보세트

Well 글쎄

You know 그런게 있자나

right 그렇자나

Let me see 어디보자

Oh, you wanna know about~ 알려주고파


* 어려운 질문 시작할 때

Wow, it's quite a tough question.

Wow, that's tough.

Wow, I didn't expect such a hard question.

Wow, that's not an easy question.

Yeah, guess what? (예상 못할 때)


* 시작할 때

You see.. where do I begin? 어디서부터 말하지?

(토픽) Hmm interesting

(토픽) let me see.. ok here we go.

Hmm, alright.. +I have the perfect story to tell you. (과거경험 질문)


* 자연스러운 표현

I would have to say 내 생각에는(요점)

= To be honet

= In my opinion

= I'll be talking about~

What am I trying to say~ 뭐라해야하지.. 어떻게 설명하지..

= How can I explain this~

= How can I say~

= How should I explain this~

I remember (너무자주는 x)

When it comes to ~에 관해서

->문장 중간에 넣기

As you may already know 알다시피

Well, here's the thing 있잖아

You know what?

I'll tell you what

And umm, what you have to realize is that~

내말 잘들어봐 이건 알아야해.


* 결론 표현

So, I think overall~

~which is now, my like/love/passion/everything...


you can say~

you know my experience, overall~

no matter what 상관없이, 이유없이


* 대박 표현


-> it's not all that exceptional

그렇게 대박 좋지는 않아요. 

(quite) exceptional


-> It's gone through a lot of renovations

out of this world

-> it's quite out of this world


* 그밖에 표현

But having said that 그렇긴하지만

Now that I think about it 생각해보니

I wasn't able to do anything

= I couldn't do anything 나는 아무것도 할 수 없었어.

I didn't do anything 나는 아무것도 하지 않았어.

Whether I like it or not 좋든싫든

+I have no choice but to-v ~할수밖에 없어.


* 질문 컨트롤

I think

As you (may already) know

Of course


To tell you the truth

To be honest

I don't know why

Anyway 어쨋든 (까먹었을 때)


* 머리가 새하얘질 때

I'm having a brain fart.

I'm blanking out.